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FOSTAC® Technology and Tachyon Energy / Introduction The History of Tachyonic Energy The term "tachyon" derives from the Greek word "tachytis", meaning "speed", "very fast particle". What had been considered skeptically for centuries by many scientists, was to be proved by modern physics in the sixties, when the existence of the tachyon particles was first calculated theoretically. At present, various scientists have even provided clear evidence of this specific energy form travelling at a speed faster than light. 1896 Nikola Tesla, the greatest inventor of modern times, mentions the existence of scalar fields. Many of his inventions make use of this energy. Nikola Tesla is considered to be the inventor of the radio, of radar, of alternating current, fluorescent tubes and also of special turbines. More than 700 inventions and patents bear his name! 1920 The physicists Levetzkow, Stanyukovic and Shneiderov take up the subject of gravitational energy, experimentally producing special phenomena for the next 20 years. 1960 Oliver Crane publishes research results according to which mechanical currents and vibrations fill the spaces between matter. Thus, this model does not allow for any empty space. 1967 Gerald Feinberg calculates the existence of tachyons for the very first time. 1986 Dr. Akira Tonomura from Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory, Tokyo, publishes corresponding research results. 1991 Christian Monstein furnishes proof of the magnetic space quantum flux. 1995 Introduction of the MATERIA TACHYON products in Europe. 1998 Development and production of the ABEIEZ TACHYON- and FOSTAC® products in Switzerland. All products are sold on a worldwide basis. from 2003 onwards Production and distribution of all products under the FOSTAC® label.




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